Increase your chances to achieve a 8+ band in IELTS English Speaking Test. Training for IELTS at home is possible with our helpful tips.
If you have come to this page, it means you are preparing for IELTS or at least considering taking this test. You may wish to immigrate, study or work in an English-speaking country, but whether you will be able to do it depends to an extent on your IELTS score.
The IELTS Speaking Test is perhaps considered the toughest among all the IELTS language skills tests. And it isn’t surprising that many candidates falter during this test and achieve a low band. The reason is simple, the test demands that you are spontaneous, quick, and calm. Sounds difficult, when you are all nerves, sitting across from your examiner. And you have to convince the examiner of your English proficiency. This article will provide you with the clarity required for the IELTS Speaking Test preparation.
Details about IELTS Speaking test
Duration: 11-14 minutes
Number of parts: Three (3)
The speaking section assesses your use of spoken English. Every test is recorded.
- Part 1 –
Duration: 4-5 mins.
Assessment topics include: questions about your family, education, work, interests, and hobbies.
- Part 2 –
Duration: 1+2 minutes
Assessment: A card will be given to you. You will be given one minute to think about it. You will have to speak on it for about two minutes. Then you will be asked questions related to the topic.
- Part 3 –
Duration: 4-5 mins.
Assessment: Further questions by the examiner will be asked based on the topic you received in Part 2. You will be expected to discuss more abstract issues related to it.
Criteria for assessment: the test checks the capability of speaking fluently and coherently. It checks for the range of vocabulary and accurate usage of the language. Marks are also allotted to grammar and pronunciation.
IELTS strategies
The following IELTS strategies will help a candidate in not only tackling the questions but also in achieving a high band.
Develop your vocabulary
Read and write repeatedly to do this. Note down the new words and phrases you come across. Maintain a table with their meanings and synonyms. Go through your thesaurus every day. Nothing can beat this tried and tested trick to enhance one’s word bank. It will enable you to flaunt your word power. Remember, it is a crime to pick up the words used by the examiner in questions and place them in your answers. Mind your tenses.
Speak to EXPRESS not impress
Becoming overconfident doesn’t help and neither does the anxiety to cram too many words into an answer. The goal is to express well, to convey your grasp over the language. So choose your words and phrases carefully while speaking. An overuse of words might kill your chances of achieving a good band. Candidates are tested for their ability to demonstrate and communicate their thoughts clearly and that should be the aim throughout your speaking time.
AVOID yes/no
Never stop with a monosyllabic answer. Always elaborate and explain your answer. The answer to “ Do you like movies?” can be “Yes I do enjoy watching movies. I am really interested in thrillers and sci-fi genres. But I do watch dramas once in a while as well.”
This not only gives the examiner a fair idea about your language ability but also provides an insight into your personality. And it need not be repeated that your personality is also being evaluated in the IELTS Speaking test.
Speak. RECORD. Repeat.
There is no better way to assess yourself than to listen and evaluate how you speak. You can ask your peers, friends, colleagues to help in this regard by interviewing you, asking you about your opinions and views. Record it on your smartphone or any other device. Pay attention to your coherence, your diction, pronunciation and correct your errors. Continuous practice will empower you to improve your speaking ability and confidence.
A candidate is expected to project clearly the answers, views, etc. that the candidate wishes to communicate. Connect them to how you feel about them. It should reflect in your tone. You are not supposed to repeat memorized answers or just speak for the act of speaking. Be precise and clear in your answers. Ensure that the examiner realizes that you are conveying what you feel. Including a few hand gestures will do no harm.
OWN your mistakes
Even the most fluent of speakers make mistakes while speaking and you might make a couple of them yourself. But do not let that make you anxious and feel dejected. Instead, admit that you made a mistake, apologize and correct yourself. It shows your conviction and also makes the examiner realize that you know the language well enough to identify and correct your errors on your own.
Take TIME to think
There is enough time for you to think and organize your thoughts before speaking, so do not rush. In Part 2, you will get a task card and paper and one minute to get ready with your answer. Use the time judiciously. Be clear about what you are going to say. There would be an instance when you are not too sure of your answer and require more time to think. At that moment, you can always begin your answer by opening lines like… “ That is a very good question….”
“ I have never given it much of a thought until now..”
Do not beat around the bush, you will be wasting time.
Get assistance from EXPERTS
Chances of achieving a good band increase tremendously if you are able to find the right mentors and platform to assess your requirements and prepare a customized learning plan accordingly.
Worried such a course will cost you a fortune? Don’t be, as platforms like have created IELTS online courses charging affordable coaching fees. IELTS mentors have used their years of training experience to craft these courses. IELTS coaching in reading, writing, speaking, and listening courses can be personalized according to one’s learning curve and needs. IELTS preparation can be done from the comfort of your home! Free demo IELTS classes are conducted to give an overview of the advantages of signing up with Edulyte.
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