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Period Full Stop



fʊl ˈstɒp



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The Power of the Full Stop: Unleashing the Potential of Periods in Writing

Comprehensive Definition, Description, Examples & Rules 

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Introduction to the Period (Full Stop)

Period full stop is a type of punctuation mark used in the English language which is used to mark the ending of a sentence. The word period is used in British English while Full Stop is used in American English. The period or full stop is also known as a full point.

The period punctuation mark is important to show or add a pause in English Grammar. Compared to punctuations like a comma or a semicolon, it shows more pause. It is critical to mark the ending of a declarative sentence with a full stop. 

Understanding Period Punctuation Rules

To understand the period better, placement and usage of the period punctuation mark in different sentence types are important. 


The period is used to end all types of sentences except those which are direct questions or exclamations. Any sentence which is declarative can end with a period. The sentences can be simple statements. 

For instance, 

  • I’m going to church this Saturday. 
  • I will wear a pink wedding gown on my special day. 


When a sentence is not declarative and talks about questions directly, the question mark is used instead of a full stop. However, there are sentences that use indirect questions that end with a period full stop. 

For instance, 

However, if you want to buy these shoes, you have to pay a high price. 


If a sentence is an exclamation, it doesn’t end with a period. However, abbreviations can use a period mark in many ways such as after formal titles like Dr., after a month, metric units, etc. 

Period punctuation rules

  • There is no space before using the period and one space after it. 
  • The first word after the period is capital. 

Examples of Period Punctuation

Here are some Period Punctuation examples: 

For sentence 

  • “I’m going to a playground in Melbourne.” 
  • “This shirt looks good with blue jeans.” 

For indirect questions 

  • “If you buy these jeans, you have to buy these shoes.” 
  • “If you keep eating junk, you will fall ill.” 

For abbreviations 

  • ” Meet Dr. Smith.” 
  • “Col. Smith”
  • “abb.” 

Differentiate between period and other punctuation marks

Let’s find out the difference between period and other punctuation marks: 

Comma and Period: A comma is used to separate a sentence into two sections while a period ends a sentence. 

Semicolon and Period: Semicolon connects two sentences while the period punctuation mark separates two sentences. 

Exclamation mark and Period: A period full stop is used for declarative sentences. However, an exclamation mark is used with/for exclamatory sentences. 

Question mark and Period: Period is used to declare a sentence while question mark is used after interrogative sentences.

All these punctuation marks define the purpose and situations of different sentences. Depending on the sentence, a punctuation mark is used. 

Common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid

Here are some of the common mistakes you can make when using Period (full stop): 

  • You use periods with acronyms and initials. Such as the USA.  the UK.
  • When using quotation marks, place the period inside the quotation mark. 
  • Not capitalizing the first letter after a period. 
  • Using space before and after a full stop. 

Tips to avoid mistakes 

  • Make sure you revise the rules of the period. 
  • Do not forget to format sentences correctly, and the basic meaning of period. 

Additional use of period

The period is also used outside grammar such as with matrix or mathematical terms like 3.5 kg, etc. 

Quotation marks: In Quotation marks, the period is used before closing quotation marks.  Period Punctuation examples  ” This is a Pen.” 

Abbreviation: Period is used in abbreviations when the abbreviations are in lowercase. 

Parenthesis: If a sentence is completely enclosed by parenthesis, a period is placed inside. Such as (Term is used for explanation.) 

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Key Takeaways

  1. Period full stop is a punctuation mark used to mark the ending of a declarative sentence. 

  2. The period can be used for sentences, indirect questions, and abbreviations.

  3. There are a few common mistakes that you can make while using period. These can be avoided by keeping in mind general rules.

  4. The period is different from commas, question marks, and other punctuation marks. 

  5. A period is an important part of English grammar to mark the ending of a declarative sentence. 

  6. Period and full stop are the same but referred to differently in British and American English. 

  7. Using more than 1 period is called eclipses which indicates a complete sentence or omitted word. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a period and a full stop?

Period and Full stop mark the ending of a declarative sentence. However, the word “Period” is used in British English while Full Stop is an American term. 

Are there any exceptions to using a period at the end of a sentence?

Yes! All sentences except questions and exclamations use a period in the end.

How do I know when to use a period in dialogue or quoted text?

If a sentence is a simple statement or declarative, it ends with a period.

Can a period be used after an exclamation or question mark?

No, you can replace the period with a question mark or exclamation mark, but cannot use both together.

Are there any rules for using multiple periods (ellipses) in writing?

Multiple periods or ellipses are used when the words are omitted and there is an incomplete sentence. 

What is the purpose of a period in abbreviations and acronyms?

The period with about is used when abbreviations have lower cases. The period is used in acronyms when there are unrelated words so period is used instead of space. 

How does a period affect the meaning and tone of a sentence?

The period marks the ending of a sentence and subtly declares it as a statement.

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