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Subjective Personal Pronoun







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Mastering Language Expression : The Subjective Personal Pronoun In Grammar

Comprehensive Definition, Description, Examples & Rules 

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Subjective personal pronouns are crucial in English grammar. Personal pronouns are the words that we use in place of nouns to refer to a person, animal, place, etc. On the other hand, a subjective personal pronoun refers to the subject of a verb.

For example: – I, we, you, they, etc.

Highlight the significance of subjective personal pronouns in replacing and referring to the subject.

  • The major purpose of using a subjective pronoun is to avoid redundancy in English. It helps to better structure the sentence without making any repetitions in the name.

  • For example, Daniel went shopping and brought a pair of shoes for himself. In this example, we use “he” to avoid unnecessary Repetition of names.

Definition of subjective personal pronouns

These are the pronouns that represent the subject in the sentence. It is referred to as subjective because it replaces the position of the subject with the pronoun.

For example, Michelle liked apples, but she didn’t like grapes. Here the pronoun “she” better replaces the position of the subject “Michelle”.

Define subjective personal pronouns and their role in sentence construction.

These pronouns give structure to the sentence and maintain its flow. It helps in avoiding the repetition of subjects and is represented by the pronouns like I, we, you, they, etc.

Explain how subjective personal pronouns are used to represent the subject of a sentence.

It represents the subject of a sentence by substituting a pronoun. This substitution creates a flow while communicating and structuring any sentence in the right way.

For example

  • Rita reads the book, or we can also write it as She reads the book. She is the pronoun that is substituting for the subject.
  • John and Nia played cricket, and they won the match. Here we have used “They” to represent the subject “John and Nia.” Both are the doers in this sentence.

By using such pronouns, we can enhance the efficiency of communication.

Subjective personal pronouns in the first person

The first person is considered the speaker or doer of the sentence. On a general basis, there are two forms of first-person singular and plural: Singular words represent one individual; on the other hand, plural words represent a collective or group activity.

  • Singular words include I, me, etc.
  • Plural words include – they, those, and they. 

Discuss the subjective personal pronouns in the first person (singular and plural).

For example

  • Singular word example:
  • I went to the park for some fresh air.
  • Plural word example:
  • John and Kavya are studying together, and they are best friends.

Provide an example and explanation of the correct usage of subjective personal pronouns in the first person.

 Singular example 

  • I Never lie.
  • I have read this.
  • I am good at football.

Here, you are not supposed to write the letter “I” in small words. When using singular pronouns in a corrective manner, you should capitalize them.

Plural example 

  • We are best friends.
  • We never make fun of anyone.
  • We worked hard for the exam.

Here, pronouns like “we” are used with the helping verb “are”. Generally, students commit mistakes by using “is” as a helping verb, which disrupts the whole sentence structure.

Subjective personal pronouns in the second person

Subjective personal pronoun in the second person are used to refer to someone. It can be singular or plural. It denotes “you”. 

Discuss the subjective personal pronoun in the first person (singular and plural).

Singular second-person example

  • You, in singular, represent an individual. For example, You are my best friend.

Plural second-person example

  • You also used to refer to a collective or group of people. 

For example, – Can you please be quiet? 

Provide an example and explanation of the correct usage of subjective personal pronouns in the second person.

It should be presented in the proper structure and format.

Using is a singular form.

  • You don’t like to play cricket?
  • You should wake up early.
  • You are such a gentleman.
  • You are looking beautiful.

“You” should also be used in capitalized form with the auxiliary verb “are”. 

Using the second person in the plural form

All of you have to submit an NOC to the principal.

You all are such wonderful artists.

  • You all know I never speak this way to anyone.

The pronoun “you” here is used with a plural auxiliary verb to make it more effective while structuring a sentence.

Subjective personal pronouns in the third person

The third person neither represents the speaker nor the listener. The third person can be singular or plural. For example, he, she, and it

  • He can be used either to substitute the subject or to refer to a male.
  • She can also be used to represent the subject or any female.
  • It refers to a subject.

Discuss the subjective personal pronouns in the third person (singular and plural).

Singular example

 He is brilliant.

  • She is sharp-minded.
  • It can be resolved by using this technique.

Plural example

  • They are both good at studying.
  • They are going on a tour of India.

Provide an example and explanation of the correct usage of subjective personal pronouns in the third person.

You should correctly use subjective personal pronoun.

Singular example 

  • He loves to dance.
  • She likes football.
  • It is not the way you describe it.

Usually, people use “are” as a helping verb with singular words, which is a common mistake. He or she refers as per gender, which you should keep in mind while writing down about them.

Plural example 

They don’t smoke.

  • They are all the coolest people in the group.

You should write wisely and keep the singular and plural in mind. They can be represented in the singular as well.

Subjective Personal Pronouns as Subjects:

Explain how subjective personal pronouns function as the subject of a sentence.

Subjective personal pronoun are necessary for correct grammar. It is used to represent the subject by substituting it with a pronoun.

Like when Cris played cricket, his team won.

In this sentence, you can see the repetition of the subject.

Cris played cricket, and his team won.

In this sentence, you can see “his” as a substitute for cris, or subject, without any repetition.

Provide examples illustrating the use of subjective personal pronouns in sentence subjects.

Subjective personal pronoun examples are as follows:

  • I like reading books.

In this example, “I” refers to an individual in the singular.

  • We want to go on a trip.

This sentence carries “We” as more than one person involved, and it is the first person with a plural form.

  • He is the sweetest person.

This sentence has a third-person singular subject.

  •  It is none of your business.

This example is a third-person singular form.

  •  They are making noise.

This example refers to “they” as a collective and third-person plural form.

Subjective Personal Pronouns vs. Objective Personal Pronouns:

Subject personal pronouns are used for the doer, and object personal pronouns are used for the receiver in the sentence.

For example 


I want to go to the temple. (In this example, “I” is a subject or a doer.)


The priest gives blessings to me. (Here I am a receiver.)

Clarify the difference between subjective personal pronouns and objective personal pronouns.

In subjective personal pronouns, the subject as a doer or action performer is replaced by the pronoun. On the other hand, in objective personal pronouns, the receiver is replaced by the pronoun. Subjective pronoun help identify the action doer in the sentence, and objective pronouns assist in finding out the receiver in the sentence.

  • Subjective pronoun include – I, we, you, they, etc.
  • Objective pronouns include me, you, him, her, etc.

Explain the distinct roles of each type of pronoun in sentence structure.

  • He is studying alone in the room.

This is the subjective personal pronoun; here, he is performing the task of study, and ultimately he is the doer in the sentence.

  • She gave me this bag for college purposes.
  •  This is an objective personal pronoun.
  • ‘Me’ is receiving a bag, and ultimately, I is
  • Receiver in sentence

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls:

Address common errors or misconceptions related to subjective personal pronouns.

There are various misconceptions related to subjective personal pronouns.

  • People got confused about the doer or receiver. A first, second, or third person, singular and plural. 
  • “They” can be used in both the singular and plural. But most people think it is only expressed in the third-person plural form. This is a common error made by writers while writing. 
  • Correct sentence: At this stage, someone better represents their art, and they belong to a particular tribe. In this example, they refer to a singular form. 
  • A false interpretation by the people is a misconception. for example, She is a good artist; his voice is melodious. This is the wrong sentence. She has the pronoun her. 

Provide tips and guidelines for avoiding mistakes when using subjective personal pronouns.

You should wisely use the pronoun. To make your communication more effective, you should use subjective personal pronouns. 

  • Overuse of these pronouns should be avoided. It will help prevent repetition. 
  • Understand the three first-, second-, and third-person forms. 
  • Use a pronoun like “I” in a capitalized form at the beginning of a sentence. 
  • Read your text and get feedback from others for effective results and improvement.

Examples of subjective personal pronouns

I went to the market and purchased new boots.

Analysis: In this example, “I” is a singular subjective pronoun. “I” is the doer in this sentence who is purchasing boots.

  • She is pretty good by nature.

Analysis: “Shein this example is a listener, and this is a third-person singular form.

They rocked the stage with their performance.

Analysis: “They” is the plural and third-person form. In this example, they presented the collective performance of a group on stage.

Subjective Personal Pronouns in Writing and Communication:

It plays a significant role in communication with better clarity. These pronouns convey your message without repeating its main idea.

Explore the significance of using subjective personal pronouns accurately in written and spoken language.

  • While speaking or writing subjective personal pronouns helps in describing the subject without repetition, 
  • It makes it easier for the audience to better interpret the main idea. It makes your sentence clear and concise. 
  • It helps identify gender, speaker, doer, and receiver.

Discuss how subjective personal pronouns contribute to effective communication and clarity.

  •  You can express your emotions in the first-person singular form.
  • You can keep your writing engaging by using such pronouns.
  • It makes communication effective with easy interpretation.
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Key Takeaways

  1. A subjective personal pronoun is a pronoun that represents the subject in a sentence. 

  2. This pronoun helps in avoiding reputation and provides clarity to a sentence. 

  3. Subjective pronoun use in our day-to-day life. These pronouns include first person, second person, and third person with singular and plural forms.

  4. You can avoid mistakes by using it according to its forms and by practicing it through worksheets.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the subjective personal pronouns for the first person?

I and We are the subjective personal pronouns for the first person. Where I is a singular and We is the plural form.

What are the subjective personal pronouns for the second person?

You are the subjective personal pronoun for the second person. It can be described as singular or plural.

What are the subjective personal pronouns for the third person?

He, she, it, they, etc. are the subjective personal pronouns for the third person that can be used in singular or plural form.

Are there any exceptions or irregularities in using subjective personal pronouns?

No, there are no exceptions or irregularities in using subjective personal pronouns.

How do I know which subjective personal pronoun to use in a sentence?

You can get to know about a subject’s noun through the first person (I, we). Second person: you, and Third person: He, she, it, etc.

Can subjective personal pronouns be used interchangeably with proper nouns?

A proper noun means the name of a person, place, or thing. Hence, it can’t be interchangeable with proper nouns.

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