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Mastering the Main Character Subject in English Grammar

Comprehensive Definition, Description, Examples & Rules 

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Feeling lost amidst grammar rules regarding subjects? Worry no more! Edulyte, the ultimate language-learning platform, has the leading personalised solutions for your English language-learning needs.

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Introduction: What's a Subject and Why You Should Know Its Use?

In English grammar, the concept of subjects plays a fundamental role in constructing sentences and is crucial for effective communication. 

How to define subject in English? The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea the sentence is about. Identifying the subject is the first step in breaking down the structure of a sentence.

Subject example: “The cat chased the mouse.” Here, “The cat” is the subject, and “chased the mouse” is the predicate. The subject informs us about the entity that is acting.

Subjects play a crucial role in constructing sentences because they provide context, clarity, and cohesion to language. 

Subjects are essential in establishing the correct subject-verb agreement. 

Understanding subjects also helps us determine the focus of a sentence and identify the topic under discussion. 

Understanding Subjects: How to Define Subject and Its Place in a Sentence

In grammar, the crucial what’s a subject query is answered as a subject being the central element of a sentence that acts.

The subject plays a central role in constructing sentences, providing the foundation for the rest of the sentence. 

Subjects interact with verbs to convey meaning

What you should know besides define a subject is that a subject interacts with verbs to convey the action or state described in the sentence. The relationship between the subject and the verb is known as subject-verb agreement.

  • The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject “cat” with singular verb “chases”)
  • The cats chase the mice. (plural subject “cats” with plural verb “chase”)

The subject also determines whether a sentence is in the active or passive voice. In the active voice, the subject acts, while in the passive voice, the subject is acted upon. For instance:

  • Active voice: The chef prepares the meal. (subject “chef” acts)
  • Passive voice: The meal is prepared by the chef. (subject “meal” is acted upon)

Identifying Subjects: How Can You Easily Identify Them

Edulyte mentors offer you neat tricks to spot the subject in a sentence.

  • Always ask, “Who or what is the sentence about?”: The subject is the entity performing the action or being described in the sentence. 

  • Look for the verb: The subject is usually located before the verb in a sentence. 

  • Attention to word order: The typical sentence structure in English is subject-verb-object (SVO). However, word order can vary, especially in questions and passive voice constructions. 

Examples of subjects in various sentence structures: 

Simple Sentence: The cat chased the mouse.

  • Subject: The cat

Interrogative (Question) Sentence: Are you coming to the party?

  • Subject: You

Imperative Sentence: Close the door.

  • Subject: (Implicit) You (understood)

Compound Sentence: John likes coffee, and Mary prefers tea.

  • Subjects: John, Mary

Complex Sentence: While I was studying, my brother was playing video games.

  • Subjects: I, my brother

Passive Voice Sentence: The book was written by a famous author.

  • Subject: The book

Subject-Verb Agreement Rules for Different Subject Types

Singular Subjects: Singular subjects take singular verbs.

  • Example: The dog barks loudly.

Plural Subjects: Plural subjects take plural verbs.

  • Example: The birds sing sweetly.

Compound Subjects (Joined by “and”): If the subjects are connected by “and” and refer to different entities, use a plural verb.

  • Example: Tom and Jerry are good friends.

Compound Subjects (Joined by “or” or “nor”): If the subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.

  • Example: Neither the cat nor the dog is allowed inside.

Indefinite Pronouns: Some indefinite pronouns are always singular (e.g., everybody, nobody) and require singular verbs. Others are always plural (e.g., both, several) and need plural verbs.

  • Singular Example: Everybody loves ice cream.
  • Plural Example: Both of them have their own opinions.

Collective Nouns: Collective nouns refer to groups and can take singular or plural verbs, depending on the emphasis on the group or its members.

  • Singular Example: The team is practising hard. (Emphasising the unity of the team)
  • Plural Example: The team are arguing about their strategy. (Emphasising the individual players)

Subjects and Sentence Types: Uncover ways in Which Subject Changes Based on the Sentence

The subject of a sentence may vary depending on the sentence type. 

  • Declarative Sentence: This sentence type makes a statement or conveys information. Example in the sentence: The sun rises in the east, “the sun” is the subject.
  • Interrogative Sentence: Interrogative sentences ask questions. In the example: Did you finish your homework? , “you” is the subject.
  • Imperative Sentence: Imperative sentences give commands or make requests. In the example: Close the door, please”, the subject “you” is implied, and the verb “close” takes centre stage.
  • Exclamatory Sentence: Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions or exclamations. In the example: What a beautiful sunset, “what” is the subject.

Common Subject Pitfalls: Avoid These Mistakes with Exclusive Tips

There are some errors that even seasoned language enthusiasts make when it comes to the subject in a sentence. These include: 

  1. Misidentifying the subject in inverted sentences: In questions and other sentence structures, the subject and verb may switch positions, leading to confusion in identifying the subject.

  2. Overlooking compound subjects: Compound subjects joined by “and” can be mistaken for singular subjects, leading to subject-verb agreement errors. 

  3. Failing to recognise implied subjects: In imperative sentences or commands, the subject “you” is often implied, but learners may overlook it. 

  4. Confusing subject pronouns: Incorrectly identifying subject pronouns like “I,” “me,” “he,” “him,” etc., can lead to errors in subject identification.

Tips for avoiding subject-verb agreement errors

So how can you avoid committing the mistakes discussed above? That’s easy; just follow what our mentors recommend.

  • Identify the subject before choosing the verb: Determine the sentence’s subject first and then select the appropriate verb that agrees in number and person.

  • Watch out for tricky subjects: Pay attention to collective nouns, indefinite pronouns, and compound subjects, as they can be particularly challenging for subject-verb agreement.

  • Be cautious with inverted sentences: Identify the subject correctly when the sentence starts with a negative adverb or is a question. 

  • Practice with singular and plural subjects: Familiarise yourself with subject-verb agreement rules for different subject types to avoid errors.

Compound Subjects and Subject-Verb Agreement: What are they, and How can you Master them

We see compound subjects when two or more subjects are joined together by a coordinating conjunction such as “and,” “or,” or “nor.” In English grammar, the verb must agree with the subject.

Examples of correct subject-verb agreement with compound subjects: 

  1. The cat and the dog play in the garden. In this example, the compound subject “the cat and the dog” is plural, and the verb “play” agrees.

  2. Neither the teacher nor the students were present at the assembly. Here, the compound subject “neither the teacher nor the students” is singular, and the verb “were” agrees with the singular subject “neither.”

Guidance on handling subject-verb agreement in complex sentences

In complex sentences that contain multiple clauses, it is essential to maintain subject-verb agreement for each clause. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Identify the subject in each clause: Determine the subject in each clause of the complex sentence separately and ensure that the verb agrees with the subject.

  2. Pay attention to the relative pronouns: Relative pronouns like “who,” “which,” or “that” can serve as the subjects of dependent clauses. Make sure the verb agrees with the subject of the dependent clause.

  3. Beware of intervening phrases: Intervening phrases between the subject and the verb can be distracting, but they do not change the subject-verb agreement. 

  4. Watch for compound subjects in complex sentences: If a complex sentence contains compound subjects, ensure each compound subject has the appropriate subject-verb agreement within its clause.

The Subject in Storytelling and Writing: Find Out Subject Introduction in Your Favourite Story

Subjects play a crucial role in storytelling as they are used to introduce characters and themes. 

The story’s choice of subject influences the narrative tone and perspective. The subject can determine whether the story is told in the first person, third person, or even an omniscient point of view. Each stand offers a unique lens through which the reader experiences the events and emotions of the story. Moreover, the subject’s characteristics, feelings, and actions help shape the overall tone of the narrative, whether it is light-hearted, profound, mysterious, or dramatic.

Examples of Subjects in Different Genres of Literature

  1. Fantasy Genre: Subject: “Frodo Baggins” – J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” In this fantasy epic, Frodo Baggins is the subject, leading readers on a journey through Middle-earth, where he becomes the bearer of the One Ring.

  2. Mystery/Thriller Genre: Subject: “Sherlock Holmes” – Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes series. The brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes serves as the subject, guiding readers through a series of intriguing and mysterious cases.

  3. Romance Genre: Subject: “Elizabeth Bennet” – Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”. Elizabeth Bennet is the subject of this classic romance, as her experiences and relationships are central to the story’s themes of love, social class, and personal growth.

  4. Science Fiction Genre: Subject: “Katniss Everdeen” – Suzanne Collins’s “The Hunger Games” In this dystopian science fiction novel, Katniss Everdeen is the subject, taking readers on a journey of survival, rebellion, and sacrifice in a post-apocalyptic world.

The Subject in Everyday Language: Their Use and Role

  1. Use of Subjects in Daily Conversations: Subjects are used in daily conversations to initiate discussions, share information, and express thoughts. 

  2. Role in Expressing Ideas, Opinions, and Emotions: Subjects play a pivotal role in expressing ideas, opinions, and emotions in daily conversations. The choice of subject allows us to personalise our statements, share experiences, and convey our perspective on a particular topic. 

Practical Examples of Subjects in Casual Speech

  1. a) “I love travelling to new places.” In this sentence, the subject “I” expresses the personal idea and emotion of the speaker towards travelling.
  2. b) “The weather is lovely today.” Here, “The weather” serves as the subject, providing information about the current weather condition.

Subject and Object Distinction: How to Differentiate Between Them?

Subjects and objects are two essential components of sentences, each playing distinct roles in conveying information. The subject represents the “doer” of the action, while the object is the receiver of the action.

Identifying subjects and objects is crucial for understanding the sentence’s structure and the relationships between elements.


  1. The cat chased the mouse. In this sentence, “The cat” is the subject, as it performs the action of chasing, and “the mouse” is the object, as it receives the action of being chased.

  2. She wrote a letter to her friend. Here, “She” is the subject, writing the letter, while “a letter” is the direct object, receiving the action of being written. 

How do subjects and objects work together to create complete thoughts?

Using subjects and objects can create a balanced and coherent flow of information in sentences. For instance, in active voice sentences, subjects perform actions, and objects receive them, producing straightforward communication.

Example: John (subject) baked a cake (direct object) for his sister (indirect object). This sentence provides clear information about the “doer” (John), the action (baking a cake), and the recipient (his sister).

In passive voice sentences, the roles may reverse, emphasising the receiver of the action rather than the “doer.” Passive voice can be used when the “doer” is unknown, unimportant, or we want to shift focus.

Example: The cake (subject) was baked by John (object). In this passive-voice sentence, the cake becomes the subject, and John, the “doer,” becomes the object. Th

list of adverbs for kids

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Key Takeaways

  1. Definition: The subject is a fundamental element of a sentence, representing the “doer” of the action or the entity being described. It answers the question “Who?” or “What?” the sentence is about.

  2. Placement: In most English sentences, the subject appears before the verb, setting the stage for the action or description.

  3. Subject-Verb Agreement: The subject must agree with the verb in terms of number (singular or plural). Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

  4. Importance in Communication: Understanding the subject is crucial for constructing coherent sentences and expressing ideas clearly in writing and speaking.

  5. Subject in Everyday Language: Subjects are extensively used in daily conversations to express ideas, opinions, and emotions, facilitating effective communication.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the subject-verb agreement work with singular and plural subjects?

Singular Subjects:

  • When the subject is singular (referring to one person, place, thing, or idea), the verb must be in its singular form.
  • The third-person singular subjects (he, she, it, a singular noun, or a singular pronoun) take singular verbs.


  • She plays the piano every day. (Third-person singular subject “she” with singular verb “plays”)
  • The cat sleeps on the sofa. (Singular noun subject “cat” with singular verb “sleeps”)

Plural Subjects:

  • When the subject is plural (referring to more than one person, place, thing, or idea), the verb must be in its plural form.


  • They play soccer on weekends. (Plural pronoun subject “They” with plural verb “play”)
Are there any specific rules for identifying the subject in complex sentences?

Yes. You can check the following rules:

  1. A complex sentence usually has a main clause and one or more dependent clauses. Start by identifying the main clause, as it contains the primary subject and verb of the sentence.
  2. The noun or pronoun that the relative pronoun refers to within the dependent clause is the subject of that clause.
  3. The noun or pronoun after the subordinating conjunction serves as the subject of the dependent clause.
  4. The noun or pronoun that directly precedes the infinitive verb is the subject of the infinitive phrase.
How do subjects change in interrogative (question) sentences?

In interrogative sentences, subjects often change their position or form to indicate that the sentence is asking a question. 

What are the most common mistakes made when identifying subjects?
  1. Misidentifying the subject in inverted sentences 
  2. Overlooking compound subjects
  3. Failing to recognise implied subjects 
  4. Ignoring subject-verb agreement rules
  5. Getting distracted by appositives
How do subjects differ from objects in sentences?

Subjects and objects are fundamental components of sentences, but they have different roles and functions:


  • The subject is the main element of a sentence that performs the action or is being described.
  • It answers the question “Who?” or “What?” the sentence is about.


  • The object is the recipient of the action performed by the subject.
  • It answers the question “Whom?” or “What?” the action is directed towards.
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