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Objective Case






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Mastering the Objective Case: Unlocking the Power of Pronouns

Comprehensive Definition, Description, Examples & Rules 

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When a noun and pronoun act as an object in a sentence, it is known as an objective case. Objective case pronouns are, “Me” “him, it us, and them. We use objective cases when something is being done or offered to someone.

We use objective case primarily to show that a word or phrase is the object of a verb preposition or infinitive verb form by rightfully using the objective case, which can help you develop your grammar and English skills.

Edulyte helps you understand the objective pronoun by providing you with detailed information on its types, usage, corrective form, purpose, function, errors, and most importantly, FAQs and worksheets to ensure the performance of students at the practical level.

Objective case importance

The objective case is one of the core elements of grammar, which helps establish relationships between different elements of a sentence. The use of objective cases can enhance your grammar performance and provide a basic structure to any sentence.

Pronoun: Objective case

There is a crucial role played by the pronoun in the objective case. The known player plays a significant role in the objective case, which changes the form to highlight the function as an object within a sentence. It highlights the object by indicating the function as a common objective case example  as me, you, him, her, us, and them.


  • He gave the book to me.
  • He met me at school.

Reflexive pronoun

When the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing, then it is known as a reflexive pronoun; it includes myself, myself, myself, myself, etc.


  • You are too good.
  • I like myself.

Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns are related to possession when someone shows ownership, for example, mine, yours, his, or her. Ours is theirs.


  • This pen is yours.
  • The red car is mine.

Pronoun Objective

The pronoun object serves as the object of a preposition, and for structuring any sentence, it is the first requirement of the sentence to frame it in a proper sentence.

Here you can find various pronoun objective cases:

Me, you, her, him, it, us, and them

  • Pronouns highlight their function as objects by having some specific changes in their form. These changes involve various pronoun forms compared to when they were used as subjects.
  • He wants me to be there (I change to me).
  • You were there, I know (no change to You).
  • Give some time to us (we to us).
  • John is her best friend (she changes to her).
  • We better know him ( he to him).
  • It was there on the table (no changes to It).
  • We called them here (they called them).

Objective case example in a sentence

  • David gifted me a watch on my special day.
  • You know how to deal with it.
  • They elected Mr.Smith as the party leader.

Analysis of objective case placement in the sentence

It always highlights the object of the over preposition in a sentence, which is used for direct object and indirect object, where the direct object reflects the direct effect of the action of the verb. Where indirect objects reflect indirect actions received, which include: me, you, him, her, us, and them.

Demonstrating correct usage of an objective case

  • The manager explained Me  project in detail.
  • He told me about his relationship.
  • Kindly allow us into the party.
  • This is her first award.

The car followed them throughout the route.

Common errors to avoid when using objective cases

Usually, people use subjective cases rather than objective ones, like (i, she, he, we, and they), whereas objective nouns include me, him, her, us, and them and function as verbs or prepositions.

For example

  • Incorrect: David called him
  • Correct; David called him.

Misplacing the objective pronoun

Commonly, objective pronouns are used correctly in the sentence. What is required to understand is that objective pronoun should be used after the verb or after the preposition, which is the first requirement of using objective pronouns in any sentence to frame it in a while structured format.

  • Incorrect: He and Me brought chocolate for Michelle.
  • Correct: He and I brought chocolate for Michelle.

Reflexive pronoun:

It is always used when both object and subject are the same thing or person.

  • Incorrect: He bought shoes for himself.
  • Correct: He bought shoes for me.

Usually, a common error is placing the objective pronoun in the wrong direction, usually in the subject position, which results in incorrect grammar.

Tricky situation and exception with an objective case:

Compound object: when there are multiple direct objects in a sentence, it makes a compound objective.

For example

  • He gave him a piece of paper and a pen.

Appositive follows an objective pronoun, 

For example.

  • I met him, my friend, at the coffee shop.

Tips and tricks to master the objective case

  • By practicing regularly, you can master the objective case by practicing regularly, which can improve your grammar learning as well.
  • Proofreading after editing your writing: You should check your article after reading it so that you can find or spot errors in writing.
  • Understand the pronoun objective and identify the pronoun objective and subject differently.

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Key Takeaways

  1. Objective pronoun is crucial with grammar perspective and We use objective cases when something is being done or offered to someone.

  2. Objective case pronouns are, “Me” “him, it us, and them.

  3. Objective pronoun case is having its importance and it helps in structuring the sentence.

  4. Using subjective pronoun then objective pronoun is common error and in order to overcome from this confusion one is required to understand the whole concept with in-depth understanding.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of pronouns in the objective case?

Me, him, her, us, and they are pronoun examples in the objective case.

How do I use pronouns in the objective case correctly?

When pronouncing us, we function as direct objects, objects of prepositions, and indirect objects. 

For example, he gave me a book. (I here used in an indirect sense); she met him at the park(he here used in a direct sense).

Can a noun be in the objective case?

Yes, the noun didn’t make a differentiation between subjective and objective; it will maintain the same form for subjective and objective cases.

for example: “I saw Michelle” (subjective), I saw Michelle (objective case).

Are there any specific rules for using the objective case in English?

There is a simple rule: the objective case is used for pronoun functions as direct object, indirect object, or preposition.

How does the objective case change the form of a pronoun?
  • I as subjective into Me as objective.
  • He is subjective, and he is objective.
  • She is subjective, but she is objective.
  • We as subjective to us objective
  • They are subjective, and they are objective.
What is the function of the objective case in a sentence?

It clarifies the recipient in direct or indirect form and helps structure the sentence through verbs and prepositions.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using the objective case?

Confusing between subjective and objective pronouns.

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