What to look of in the apps for Competitive Exams Preparation?

Study Tips, Test Preparation

apps for Competitive Exams Preparation


When we think of competitive exams preparations, we conjure an image of students sitting in a class, making endless notes and being surrounded by piles of books. What the reality in the age of smartphones and 4G is that a student can self-study or get enough support via the various competitive examinations preparation apps online.

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A click, a swipe are enough to download the app suitable for your requirements and get you going for your exam prep. No compulsion to spend money on endless exam books, no dreadful commuting from one corner of the city to another! All that is prehistoric now. With the number of apps increasing exponentially, one is spoilt for choices..

AI  can now compile question papers of the past many years and design an unbeatable preparation strategy. Apps can handle endless subject content much more easily, than manual efforts. It makes you the master of your own learning. Yet, this leads to a demanding question: Which competitive exam app is the best for my preparation?

Which competitive exam preparation app should I use?

For this, you have to decide on what parameters you would want the app to help you out?

What, as per you, are the features that an app should have to support your learning?

Indecisive and unsure about it? Well, this blog intends to help you out of this stressful choice making. We have downloaded and studied the various apps that are available online and curated a list that you can refer to while deciding on the apps.

  1. Price and Packages: Customer is indeed the king in this regard. Many competitive examinations apps provide certain resources and mock tests as free of cost or on a trial basis. This gives a brief idea about the quality and credibility of the app. Other aspects like customised lessons, lectures and interactive resources are chargeable and apps provide various packages . You can choose a package based on your requirement and match the prices of the apps depending on their features and offers.
  1. Elaborate and Interactive  lessons: Gone are the days when looking at black and white images in a textbook was the only way of making the lesson interesting. With today’s tech tools, there are colourful visuals, mind blowing animations and AI assisted worksheets. The usefulness of the app depends on how all these play out to fast track learning. 
  1. Interactive Live lectures , Resource Materials and Ebooks : Many apps provide the features of live lectures, as it gives one the feel and discipline of a regular classroom. Also available are recorded lectures, which can be played and replayed whenever you want. These again are an important criteria to choose an app. The quantity and quality of Resource Materials and E books are vital for examination preparation. Do check, if they are updated and upgraded from time to time. 
  1. Practice test and mock exams: Does each topic have a practice test? Are there combined mock tests of all the topics available? Are the questions based completely on the exam patterns of previous years? Also, look out for whether the new changes introduced in the syllabus/ examination pattern have been introduced by the app developers. Students should easily access the various types of questions based on difficulty levels and also get a comprehensive marking scheme for the test papers. This will aid efficient preparation.
  1. Discussion Forums: These have become  pivotal for exam prep as they act as a beneficial replacement for the classroom sessions. These forums help students put forth their doubts and get them resolved by the faculty or fellow students.
  1. Question Review Section and Cumulative Performance Report: A section dedicated to posting answers for questions and getting them reviewed is a favourable way of learning. A useful attribute that you need in an app. Also an absolute necessity is that  performance is assessed in every aspect and you are being provided a minute cumulative analysis of your strong and weak points regarding a subject. Speed and accuracy in answering questions should be part of your assessment as well.
  1. Flexible learning platform: Your competitive exam app should allow you to set your learning intention,learn at your own pace, reinforce your strengths and remedy your shortcomings.
  1. Easy to use across various platforms: No one wants an app which creates issues for the user. An ideal app should be easy to download and compatible across all gadgets. This makes it user friendly. Also it is helpful to check its ratings and reviews online.  

Deciding on an app for competitive examination preparation might sound as difficult as preparing for the examination itself. But with the criterias above, your task becomes easier. Remember deciding on a good app is half the battle won. You can also check out Edulyte’s platform for the various competitive examination coaching being provided like CA, CAT, GMAT, IELTS, IELTS Reading, IELTS Listening, CFA and more.. With its customised teaching tools, professional and well qualified faculty, latest assessment techniques and interactive Live sessions, learning has never been this exciting and fun!

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