Why Online Teaching is Perfect for Working Mothers?

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Why Online Teaching

Becoming a mother to two beautiful children and watching them grow up is my life’s biggest blessing. It is rightly said that once a mother, always a mother! That means, as mothers, we are constantly thinking about the well-being of our kids (even in our sleep!). So new mothers find it extremely difficult to leave their babies behind and rejoin office once the maternity break is over. If they are given a choice to resume working from home (WFH), most of them will grab the offer without any second thoughts! That’s exactly what I did more than 12 years ago when my daughter was born and I am forever grateful to my former employer for the thoughtfulness (Back then WFH was given in exceptional cases only).

You can see that my WFH journey began more than a decade ago and I have been adapting and advocating flexible work options ever since. It is a win-win arrangement for both employee and the employer. But what if a young mother decides not to work full time, or work in a shift when the other parent can take care of the baby, etc. One of my friends just wanted to work 2 hours/day while her child takes an afternoon nap. Well needless to say, that in a corporate setup, it is difficult to expect such a highly customized support. 

Now, during pandemic time, most of the workforce is working out of home and this conversation may lose its essence. But gradually things will normalize and not everyone will have the privilege to stay at home. 

What are our options if we are looking for a ‘permanent-yet-all-flexible’ WFH profile?

Thankfully in today’s tech-driven world, there are a wide array of work options where you can receive customized work schedule support. Online teaching is one of them. EdTech platforms like Edulyte Marketplace offer generous support to its teachers. Edulyte team doesn’t ‘allow’ people to WFH as in a typical corporate setup. Rather, they ‘help’ teachers by understanding the family situation or personal constraints and then fixing the working window accordingly.

There are obvious queries regarding who is eligible to become teachers. In many cases, there will 

be a list of requirements. As in my case, I take up a few finance courses for which I have the necessary educational credentials and relevant industry experience. But people from all walks of life are exploring the virtual route of learning now. The idea is to enrich one’s personality in multiple ways. The list of learning areas goes beyond pure academic subjects to include classes on commu

nication skills, dance, music, yoga, etc. In this latter category, the entry requirements to become a teacher are much less stringent. The moot point is to choose your area of comfort (to teach) wisely and find the appropriate e-learning provider.

So if you are passionate about teaching online and curious to know the benefits of collaborating with a reputed edtech company.

Here are the Top 5 advantages

You really become your own boss

Decide your number of hours in a week, days convenient (Weekdays/Weekends), duration of one session slot, etc. Just communicate these preferences to the platform during onboarding time. So going back to my previous example, working only 2 hours/day during afternoon is indeed a reality!

Significantly reduce initial setup costs

One can start teaching online independently too. But going solo means incurring many additional expenses like website development/maintenance, payment gateway integration cost, social media engagement, and other marketing costs, etc. Education technology websites have already created a platform and take the ownership of promotion of courses, brand building of tutors, transfer of fees collected in a seamless way, etc. So all you need is a laptop/computer & a good internet connection and save on both money and time needed to find students

Become more than a teacher

Apart from being a teacher, one can look for supplementary roles such as mentor, content/course developer, or even a brand ambassador for the e-learning firm. Growth in these areas will come with patience as it will take some time to build your audience.

Ramp up student engagement easily

It is very likely that you would want to consider working additional hours as the child grows up and becomes more independent. Slowly and gradually, you can schedule extra time slots and decide what works best for you in every stage of child’s growth

Save extra money

You can save on daily travel costs and child care expenses. Even the requirement to maintain a work wardrobe goes down. Now, these can be very meaty savings in some situations. And we know that money saved is money earned! We can definitely put it to better uses.

Above all, we get rewarded with “Peace of Mind”. The feeling of contentment with a sense of calm will surely keep our home environment healthier. In a slightly different vein, the pandemic has also exposed us to highest level of uncertainty regarding employment security and more sadly life itself.  In this realm, creating a new or even additional source of income to mitigate unforeseen circumstances looks prudent.

To sum up, as online education market is set to see a phenomenal rise in coming years, there is a great demand for online teachers. Mothers can very well consider this fantastic way of earning decent money while raising kids from the comfort of their homes.

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