Parents invest money in buying books to assist their children’s NAPLAN preparation. Edulyte offers an absolutely easy way to be NAPLAN ready.

NAPLAN Practice Tests

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With important links for NAPLAN past papers and practice tests, your child can be well aware of the format of the tests and the best ways to attempt them.

naplan test papers

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Each year, numerous students sit for their NAPLAN evaluation. And each year, stressed parents are trying to find the best possible ways to prepare their children for NAPLAN. We have put together all the important links to past NAPLAN papers.

What is NAPLAN?

NAPLAN is crucial for every student, parent and teacher in Australia. The National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy consists of 4 tests that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 must write in Term 2.

When and where is NAPLAN held?

Students of Grades 3, 5, 7 and 9 have to take the NAPLAN test in Term 2. NAPLAN consists of four tests spread over 3 days. The dates can vary each Year. Dates regarding the NAPLAN that your child will attempt can be found here.

What is the child tested for in NAPLAN?

NAPLAN assessments are carried out by ACARA — the Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority. Students of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are tested for the following skills:

Reading: The NAPLAN reading test is in tune with the English curriculum of Australia across the states and territories. Students get a magazine containing a range of texts with different writing styles. Students read the texts provided and answer related questions in a separate booklet.

The range and complexity of texts increase with each Year. 

Writing test: The Australian English Curriculum expects students to be confident in writing three types of texts. They are:

  • imaginative writing (including narrative writing)
  • informative writing 
  • persuasive writing

Students are provided with a prompt or an idea in the writing tests and asked to write a response in a particular text type. Students are given two writing prompts, one prompt for Years 3 and 5; and a different prompt of the same text type for Years 7 and 9.*


Language Conventions: Australian English grammar, spelling and language form the core of this test. Multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions are usually part of the language conventions evaluation. 

Numeracy: Mathematics is critical for the development of a successful career. Students have to answer multiple-choice, short answer and fill-in-the-blank questions. NAPLAN numeracy test evaluates the three fields of this subject:

  • numbers and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability

Students of Years 7 and 9 have to attempt two sections in the numeracy exam — non-calculator and calculator allowed.

The Importance of NAPLAN

NAPLAN is driven by two goals: improvement in core skills and accountability. 

Teachers can measure their students’ academic level against the national yardstick. They can recognise the strengths and weaknesses of the educational program and their students. 

Parents get a detailed insight into their children’s progress over the years. In addition, these tests give a fair idea about their children’s mathematical, reading, and writing abilities.

NAPLAN results help determine if the educational programs are successful and point out aspects of the programs that have to be modified or changed. Strategising becomes easier to enable students to reach their full potential with the NAPLAN evaluation. 

Schools become accountable through NAPLAN for the successful implementation of educational programs.

Year 3 NAPLAN NAPLAN past papers & Practice Tests

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Helpful tips for parents

Every Year, parents, students and teachers wonder what would be the best strategies to be NAPLAN ready. Edulyte, with its years of experience, has come up with helpful tips that can aid your child’s preparation for NAPLAN.

  • Encourage your child to plan a schedule. Timely completion of assignments and classwork revision daily ensures that the child prepares for the NAPLAN in a stress-free manner.
  • Communicate with the child and make them comfortable speaking about the issues and difficulties they face regarding their skills in studies.
  • Motivate the child to speak with their teachers. As a parent, being in regular touch with the teachers will clarify how your child is doing in the class. 
  • Get Edulyte’s support, as we have been training students to hone their abilities and develop confidence in their academic performances. With qualified tutors and customised classes, students can learn well from the security and comfort of their homes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good NAPLAN score?

NAPLAN isn’t about scores. Instead, it is an evaluation system that measures your child’s development according to common standards. The standards represent the increasing complexity of skills that are tested. This translates to the fact that each Year the child has to score higher on the NAPLAN scale.

What is a good NAPLAN score for Year 3?

As explained earlier, NAPLAN showcases your child’s skills and knowledge level. Band 2 is the minimum standard for Year 3.

What is a good NAPLAN score for Year 5?

Band 4 is the minimum standard for Year 5. As the knowledge and skills become complex compared to Year 3, the minimum standard that your child has to achieve also goes up.

What happens if you fail NAPLAN?

NAPLAN is NOT a pass-fail test. Instead, its purpose is to measure your child’s core skills development. This helps get timely additional support and the overall development of the child.

What is the highest NAPLAN score?

NAPLAN has scales, and each scale is divided into ten bands used to report student progress through Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Band 1 is the lowest, and band 10 is the highest. A band contains a range of scores and is not a specific point.

Is NAPLAN transitioning to being an online test?

Yes. Australia’s federal states and territories governments have decided to move to a computer-based NAPLAN. NAPLAN online aims to be a tailored assessment. This means it will present questions based on a student’s responses.

When and where is NAPLAN held?

All students in Australian schools have to sit for the NAPLAN assessments in Years 3,5,7, and 9. However, the dates of NAPLAN can vary each Year. You can find information about your child’s NAPLAN tests dates here.

Which types of questions are in the NAPLAN tests?

Students get questions in the form of either multiple choice or short-form answers.

Is NAPLAN transitioning to being an online test?

Yes. Australia’s federal states and territories governments have decided to move to a computer-based NAPLAN. NAPLAN online aims to be a tailored assessment. This means it will present questions based on a student’s responses.

What is the duration of the NAPLAN tests?

NAPLAN test duration

Day 1: Language Conventions
Year 3 and Year 5: 40 mins.
Year 7 and Year 9: 45 mins.

Year 3 and Year 5: 40 mins.
Year 7 and Year 9: 40 mins.

Day 2: Reading
Year 3 and Year 5: 45-50 mins.
Year 7 and Year9: 65 mins.

Day 3: Numeracy
Year 3 and Year 5: 45-50 mins.
Year 7 and Year 9: Calculator: 40 mins.
: Non- Calculator: 40 mins.

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