Discover the best customised online tutoring programmes for yourself or your child. Get qualified tutors for all subjects. Learning in small groups has many benefits. Live, personalised, affordable and quality classes within your reach!

Live Online Tutoring – How it Works?

Discover the best customised online tutoring programmes for yourself or your child. Get qualified tutors for all subjects.

Live Online Lessons

Recorded videos are not enough, learn live with the top tutors for your topics.

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Verified & experienced tutors from 50+ countries

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Live Group Classes

Learning in small groups has many benefits. Live, personalised, affordable and quality classes within your reach!

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Our Mission

Create an incredible learning experience for learners by connecting them with subject experts who can personalise online tutoring as per an individual’s learning needs.

Our Learning Programme

Designed around your learning requirements and goals, our learning programme adapts and modifies itself quickly to provide the right knowledge and confidence. Access customised programmes for homework, test prep. or understanding a complex topic.

Exceptional Support

Exceptional Support

Personalised Classes

Quality Education

Qualified tutors handle our learning sessions. The sessions are directed based on the skills and knowledge of the students and their learning difficulties. 
We utilise learner-centric approaches to empower you to achieve your goals.

Features of our Tutoring Sessions

  • Live online tutoring to encourage learning in a comfortable environment per your schedule.
  • All sessions use the latest learning tools, guided exercises, collaborative learning methods and much more.
  • Interactive classes include assignments, worksheets, and revision questions to consolidate your hold on the concepts.
  • Session recordings allow you to revise at your convenience.
  • Regular reports and feedback are given to ensure learning is on track.

Registering for classes is easy at Edulyte

  • Register for free as a student.
  • Search for the subject/ concept you require assistance in. 
  • Go through the Tutors’ List, check their core expertise and class timings.
  • Send a message to the tutor in case of a class query.
  • Select your class. Make the Payment. Start Learning.
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Consistent Guidance for real learning

Allow us to support your learning productively. Let us know your requirements here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I select the right classes/ tutor for myself?

It’s pretty easy. Go to, sign up, find classes or find tutors, filter the results which as per your needs, book your lesson! You can also answer a few questions regarding your requirements, and you will be directed to the right tutors accordingly.

Is there an enrollment fee to register on Edulyte

Absolutely not! We believe in making the best tutors accessible to as many learners as possible.  Therefore there are no hidden charges or costs on our platform.

Are the classes as per the school’s curriculum?

Our tutors take special care in mapping the curriculum of the classes they teach. As a result, all the content covered is relevant to the school’s curriculum.

How will the tutor personalise the instructions per the learner’s requirement?

Our expert mentors assess the learner’s knowledge and learning gaps and tailor class instructions accordingly.

Do I need to download any software to attend classes on Edulyte?

Edulyte is a terrific all-in-one platform that takes care of all the learners’ necessities. You do not need to download any software. Instead, the classes are conducted on Edulyte’s in-built video conferencing tool.

How and where can I clarify my doubts? Can I ask learning- related questions after my class?

If you are part of a group class, feel free to ask questions in a message. You can directly message your tutor / book another session for One-on-One subject to your tutor’s availability.

I missed a session; how do I reschedule that session?

If you missed your scheduled session, please book a new one. We recommend informing your tutor at least 24 hours before your scheduled session. 
You can’t reschedule your group sessions.

What equipment do I require to attend classes on Edulyte?

Our platform runs on Windows and Mac desktops. A headset and camera are required for disturbance-free learning.

Is online tutoring as effective as face-to-face tutoring?

Let us assure you that it is even better! You can reach the best tutors in each field in a few clicks. Also, you get to decide your learning schedule at affordable rates. With the use of tech tools and regular feedback regarding the learner’s progress, the learner actively participates in the learning sessions.

How can I contact my tutor?

You can send a message directly to your tutor. However, if you don’t get a response within 24 hours, please contact our  support team

How often should my child attend tutoring online?

It all depends on your child’s knowledge level and learning needs. We advise that your child attend a trial class with the tutor so that ___ your child can be assessed and guided accordingly regarding the number of classes to attend.

Can my child top the class after getting tutored at Edulyte?

We would all love to mould your child into a genius, but our belief is not to create learning machines. Instead, we aim to build learners’ abilities and give them the confidence to reach their potential. A sense of curiosity and a keenness to learn is what we endeavour to instil in the learners who come to us.

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PTE Tutorials: Customised Packages for Every Learner


$75 AUD

One time



$275 AUD

One time


$575 AUD

One time